Monday, June 15, 2009

it's All About The Dame Truth

TheDameTruthlgMC2Hoping you'll all be joining us for tonight's edition of The Dame Truth at 8 EST to speak The Dame Truth and help it survive main stream media. Tonight will feature a news wrap and discussion and recognition of one of our intrepid researchers, Nancy Armstrongt, who graced the Glenn Beck show this evening! She was there from the beginning, on May 31, 2008 and traveled the country throughout the election cycle including the Denver Debacle, as the 2008 Democratic Convention is now called.

And so the Beat goes on. A highly agitated message from what appeared to be an Obamabot was not posted here, as we will not entertain uncivil commentary, but it is interesting to note that the objection was lodged against the "Just When You Thought You'd Heard It All" piece which exposed some of the less than stellar intellectual abilities of Obama appointees. The poster was adamant that we utilize, the known leftist propaganda machine "information" site to debunk the content but was obviously completely unaware of the ties that site has to the Obama political machine.

Among the issues covered tonight will be The Dame Truth about Investigator General Gerald Walpin, who was fired Wednesday, contrary to Congress rules requiring presidential firings to give congress 30 days notice and a clear reason for the firing. Walpin was doing his job and in the course of his investigation, learned that Obama chum Kevin Johnson of NBA fame was misusing funds and having Americorp workers wash his car and run errands. The White House told him to resign or be fired and he refused, only to be fired without cause. The letter dismissing his stated that Obama had "lost faith in him." He appeared on FOX's Glenn Beck tonight as Beck, with his usual aplomb, reminded mainstream media to try something new: do their job.

See you all later!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Dame Truth About Michael Behenna


Vicki Behenna
Mother of U.S. Army Lt. Michael Behenna

Wrongly convicted of murdering an al queda operative in Iraq
Call ins welcome
Monday 8 PM EST
(347) 202-0569

Friday, June 5, 2009

D-Day Plus 65 Years

d-day-tToday marks the 65th Anniversary of D-Day, the full scale invasion of allied forces that precipitated the liberation of France and hastened the end of World War II in Europe. Although the ranks of surviving veterans of that incredible invasion thin daily, there are still many, now octogenarians, who gather in commemoration of this day. Their memories of that day and of their comrades will never fade, even after half a century, and our observation and honoring of that day and those heroes remain as tribute to their power of example. Although the words, "Uncommon valor was a common virtue" were said by Admiral Chester Nimitz of Iwo Jima, they apply equally to D-Day, and in fact, all of those brave Americans in combat zones in service of this Republic. These soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen can never be repaid the debt we owe them for their service and for the example they have shown us. Bless them all, living and dead, and protect our troops now engaged in present day combat zones.

It is with conflict that I bring another topic to this page, as I am reluctant to allow the topic below to share space with the topic above, but I feel that it is more incumbent than ever to expose and highlight the sad contrast between those heroes of D-Day and what passes for 21st century executive power. Seized in direct violation of our Constitution's Eligibility Clause, aided and abetted by main stream media's complicity in news suppression, the individual now residing in the same White House as Franklin Delano Roosevelt as he led America through the Second World War is most probably not only an illegal alien, but now an admitted Muslim. Not that there's anything wrong with that...except his refusal to be forthcoming, transparent and abide by the laws of our land and our Constitution, his Taqiyya practice [Taqiyya, or not showing their faith openly by means of pretense, dissimulation, or concealment, is a special type of LYING which is taught and used by Shi'a Muslims, cf. Sunni Muslims and Taqiyya. "Taqiyya" (or taqiyyah) is related to the terms "taqwa'" and "taqi'" - all have the root meaning of "guarding" something, in this case, the Islamic faith] and, of course, complete refusal to share ANY of his life's records would indicate that this is simply NOT the kind of individual who merits respect from a country that has produced a Declaration of Independence, Constitution & D-Day heroes.d-day-2t

It is disturbing indeed, and difficult if not impossible to reconcile two such greatly disparate concepts: being willing to die for one's country as opposed to lying for one's personal agenda.

It boggles the mind, and so I leave you today, D-Day's 65th Anniversary, with some salient words from our wise Logistics Monster, entitled [from the film "Full Metal Jacket"]. "Heads and A$$e$ Wired Together":

Can someone tell Barack Obama that Jeruselam is not ours to give to the Palestinians; that we are at war with islamic jihadist muslims; that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury do not get to make policy; that we SHOULD NOT be apologizing for being Americans; that the POTUS is just that, and not a "citizen of the world"; that Barack Obama does not get to decide which religions get along; that the entities that contribute the most to campaigns do not get to decide which laws get passed; that Latina, or ANY OTHER RACISTS should not be anywhere near positions of power; that We The People have common sense, unlike our non-representative representatives. We are TIRED of these INSANE JUXTIPOSITIONS that this government is involved in.

What else can be said, except Thank you, D-Day heroes, Thank you, American Military [and 2/8 now in Afghanistan], and thank you Logistics Monster, for always coming up with Just The Right Words. We must remember that no ONE individual, no matter how strong the illusion of power, can sully our great nation and the sacrifices of our citizens, both military and civilian. We are a nation that was created by We the People, in order to form a more perfect union* and let us not forget that, not now, not ever.

*Preamble, U.S. Constitution

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Constitutional Radio: The Dame Truth About ACORN


The Dame Truth About ACORN

Tuesday 9 PM EST

Join The Dame & Drkate

"Finding the Worm in ACORN"

Part I


MsPlacedDemocrat, top line researcher

Part II

Saturday June 6 11 PM EST on

"Kicking Back"