Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obambi As Messiah, Flyover & Flu Redux

Word has been circulating about how Obambi, on a visit to Mexico, was greeted by a man who [VERY--as in almost imediately thereafter] subsequently died from the new swine/avian/people/whatever flu. As Michael Yon said yesterday in his account of British IED tracking training in Borneo recently, "Something's a bit dodgy here." Now I'm no epidemiologist, public health official or biochemist, but doesn't it seem just a BIT...dodgy...to, by some miracle, have Obozo greeted by someone purportedly so infected with this big bad flu that he DIED within a day or so after that meeting??

Let us shift gears for a moment and beam ourselves back to New York, where the official unveiling of the horrifically blasphemous, bilious travesty entitled, "The Truth" will take place at Union Square's South Plaza tomorrow, April 29th. Michael D'Antuono, the creator of this cretin colossus of crappe, has been known to send emails asking, "What is your truth?"

I bow to the inquiring mind of the renowned Lame Cherry for a frightening analysis of this horror, wherein she sagely notes the placement of the words and letters covered by the image therein, and urge anyone with a scintilla of intelligence to click on the link to read it in full.

Look at the words the artwork is displaying. Literally it is:

AL of the Esident of the UN ED STAT

That will mean little to anyone who does not have a Latin background in studies, but in checking the Notre Dame site translator in what caught my attention in AL is a Middle Eastern Indo European term as in Ba AL or ALlah for the moon god which Muslims transformed into calling God. The Al or El prefix or suffix is all through English in the first kings of the Britons in Ethelwulfe to Albert. It definitely means a god. So what does this god OF THE ESIDENT mean?

In Latin there is no word for Esident, but if one takes the root word of SIDUS as the "e" as in E Pluribus Unum, meaning, we have e sidus dent.
Sidus means, STAR, so the word ESIDENT means, the STAR we See.
Combining this the phrase in English so far reads, God of the Star we See.
This then combines with of the UN ED STAT.
In Latin, un means "not" or "none", it does not e xist or is fragmenting.
The ED prefix means to "put out, declare, perform" in various Latin words from edo, edico, edoceo.
STAT is the meaning "res publica" or the public of a nation state.
Combining the entire phrase in this painting honoring Barack Hussein Obama, translates the Latin English phrase of:
AL of the Esident of the UN ED STAT to literally mean

The god of the star we see of the performing the fragmentation of the nation.
Then, go over to Drew Zahn's April 25th WND piece. As you will see, this is NOT a figment of my imagination. The Psy Ops employed by BOzo's handlers are extreme, extremely UNsubtle, and, to me, impart two messages:
  • Whoever *They* are, they are in a BIG hurry to annoint this idiot in our minds as a superhuman figure who does not even catch a super duper flu; and
  • They know they have to work overtime to convey that misguided notion because he is so pathetically lacking in any qualities of leadership, intelligence and accountability.
The big news is "Flu Pandemic" and what does he do? He goes golfing while his DHS dupe is busy explaining why she isn't stopping Mexicans who may be infected at the borders and why she has taken to accusing our veterans of homicidal lunacy, and Louis Caldera, formerly an "independent director" of the flawed and failed Indymac, his White House Military Office director is telling planes to fly low and close to buildings in downdown Manhattan. Discounting the obvious fact that he should NEVER even conceived of such an insane idea let alone allowd it, the fact that no one in that still-traumatized area was appropriately warned defies logic, and obviously, even to the dimmest of countenances, the incident was both cruel and foolish. Unless, of course, it was by DESIGN. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a coincidence, and even these fools have better judgment than that, so one can only conclude that indeed, it WAS by design.

Both that whacked out picture and the Deification Project are literally sickening to behold. I have a strong stomach but the sight and sound of these things, combined with increasingly ill conceived events like the flyover, have literally made my hair stand on end. Just WHY and HOW we as a nation have managed to allow a coup installing this lame excuse for a sentient being into our White House I will never know, but now that it has occurred, the implications are clear.

The Psy Ops are in full swing, as is evidenced by yesterday's intimidating and terrorizing "fly by"--what, they never heard of PHOTOSHOP??? The only thing one can be sure of is that NONE of this stuff is accidental, or the result of "poor judgment," although doubtless there is plenty of that going around these days. But the rest of it REEKS of evil psy ops gone mad and in case anyone has not yet wakened from their kool aid stupor, now would be the time to do so. It may already be too late.

As they say, For What It's Worth...something's happening here...and it isn't pretty.



Monday, April 27, 2009

Jeff Epstein Tells The Dame Truth!

Mondays 8:00 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

"The Dame Truth"
Join The Dame to Wcome
Jeff Epstein
A champion of American patriotism, Jeff is an intelligence analyst with close ties to the prevailing wisdom of the times and founded http://peoplestruthforum.com, an information portal dedicated to learning, speaking and writing the truth. His insights are both thought provoking and illuminating, and shatter the illusions main stream media and politicans have striven to maintain.
Monday night at 8:00 PM EST. Call ins with questions and comments welcome!

Friday, April 10, 2009

His Wonders to Behold: Redemption!

Blessings to all at the beginning of this universal holy weekend, which signals redemption, rebirth and new beginnings. Thus, a hat tip to Jeff Zeleny and, miracle of miracles, the New York Times, for suddenly and inexplicably printing some truth where Barry Soetoro is concerned. In his April 9 Washington Memo, Zeleny wastes no time getting to the meat of the matter in what is perhaps one of the most sagely salient columns he's written. Says he, "[Obama] is not a mortgage broker. But...[he] seemed to be playing one on television, urging Americans not to miss out on rock-bottom refinancing rates."
But wait--there's more. And, while it gets worse for the erstwhile Resident, it gets better for us, as we begin to catch a glimmer of--dare I invoke that heinous sham of a word--*hope* that at long last, one small voice in the endless parade of main stream media hucksters has not only seen the light [how could one not??!] but is willing to run against the tide with his pen.

While it is true that characterizing the Resident as TV Salesman is overly kind, indeed it's a start, for everything this creature does is an outrage and an embarrassment, not only to the American people, but to himself. From the utter arrogance and ignorance of returning a Churchill bust, which belonged NOT to HIM, but to the American People, to blubbering and babbling mindlessly when caught in the headlights of a malfunctioning teleprompter, to bowing and scraping to Islamic surrogates in the person of Saudi leaders, appearing on late night television like some third rate stand up comedian wherein he insulted, among others, those in the Special Olympics who have actually WORKED to ACHIEVE something, to associating with the dregs of society and employing many of them as his minions, to the weekly, wild, lavish parties filled with Kobe beef and god-knows-what-else, this "administration," in less than three months, has indeed accomplished more than any other American president: the complete and utter shaming of the office of POTUS and the bankrupting of the treasury.

Among the endless list of stellar abominations was the hiring of Lawrence Summers, a top economic adviser who received payments last year from firms over which he now has influence. Mr. Summers, one remembers, [or perhaps not] is the individual whose premise was that women are stupid, or at least, stupider than men, claiming that, "women are inferior to men in their ability to excel at math and science." One can only imagine that clamour that would have arisen had the infamous "Bell Curve" authors Herrnstein and Murray been appointed to serve, THEIR premise being that people of color can't help being stupid, they're just born that way.

And so it goes. A flicker of hope, coming, of all places, from the NY Times, proving that indeed, Redemption exists. On a higher note, many, many heartful thanks to Gold Star Mother Debbie Lee of http://www.americasmightywarriors.org/ for speedy response to my call through Steve Maloney for urgent troop support. Thanks to Debbie, half the request has been filled, and Sgt. Sanchez and his section will have what they need as they redeploy to the combat zone. Chris Hill, executive director of Gathering of Eagles has graciously offered to pick up the rest of the project and both will be appearing on "The Dame Truth" and "Kicking Back" in the near future. Stay tuned for updates, and tune in this Monday night at 8 EST to hear Dr. Orly Taitz speak on tomorrow's Studio City Tea Party, attended by my cohost Patriot Rose, and other breaking news.
Wishing Spring's Peace & Redemption to all~