At 5:27 PM EST today, HR1388, S277 Serve America Act, National Service Programs bill has passed in the Senate with 78 ayes, 20 nays. Lady Liberty continues to sob as the Heavens rain down all manner of affront upon us. Things are happening so fast that few are able to comprehend the true nature of what has befallen us. Indeed, "Now is the time for all good men [and women] to come to the aid of their country." Stay tuned as people join Restore the Republic, ACCDF, The Patriotic Resistance at Resistnet.com, and the Shantytowns swell past capacity across our sad and sorry nation. But WE ARE AMERICANS and we WILL survive to bring our country and our Constitution through this challenge safely! As redlemur suggests, fly that Gadsden flag in your yard, display that Constitution in your front window! [Both of which can be had with the click of the wrist by going to http:///logisticsmonster.com!], start the conversations and the dialogs that get people involved and remind everyone that we are Americans and we are not going anywhere! As the Greeks said, "Molon Labe!"
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