Today we devote all blog space to making the news about Obama's refusal [read: inability] to prove that he is a natural born American citizen, for indeed, he does NOT fall into that category and that is documented fact.
This needs to go out. Let the media know that they need to do the job the overseas media is doing. Seng to congress, everyone. The world laughs at us and so does Obama.
Send this to your congressman...the media...needs to go viral. Others do what US media doesn't.
“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
Even the Russian online newspaper Pravda featured a column about “the man with no visible past.”
A Google of Pravda, Obama, Citizenship, American Media provided this link so take your pick:
“Barry Sotero, AKA Barack Obama, along with the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission have successfully ignored a Federal Lawsuit asking him to produce a valid Birth Certificate,” the piece by Mark McGrew states. “When the time to respond to that lawsuit expired, under Federal Court Rules, they all admitted that he was not a citizen of The United States of America and deemed to have committed fraud. A normal man would have been found to have admitted he was not a U.S. citizen.”
While McGrew acknowledges Obama is praised for his way with words, he warns, “Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”
The writer said every con man sells a “dream,” pushes a “greed button,” stresses “urgency” – and it claims Americans fell for a con man.“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. And he stressed urgency by himself and his wife telling voters to vote early.”
McGrew explains that Obama’s “certificate of birth” is not a birth certificate, but a certification of live birth that any foreigner can acquire by applying for one in the state’s vital records department, regardless of where the baby was born.
Join more than 158,000 others in signing WND’s online petition calling for release of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and verifying beyond any shadow of a doubt his constitutional eligibility for office.
The column said Obama can easily put the issue to rest by producing the document, rather than spending thousands of dollars on attorneys to defy federal and state lawsuits.
“Barack Obama may just win his place in history as the greatest con man of all time,” the author said. “A hundred million people believed him and spent 600 million dollars to get him ‘elected’ to the highest office in America, without ever knowing if he is or is not eligible to even run as an American citizen. It is either amazing that he will pull it off or it is amazing that so many millions of people believed him.”
So far, major television networks and most mainstream newspapers are continuing to be silent on the matter. Some media outlets have begun reporting on the issue.
The Chicago Tribune published a news article about Robert L. Schultz, chairman of the We The People Foundation, after he ran a full-page ad in the newspaper demanding Obama produce documents proving he is eligible for office. However, the writer attempted to debunk Schultz’s claims paragraph by paragraph.
A Chicago Sun-Times columnist accused the We The People Foundation of having “money to throw away” for posting an “inflammatory ad” in the Chicago Tribune.
NBC Chicago’s website led its story with the following statement: “Critics continue to invest in ads to convince Americans that he is not one of theirs.”
Also, the Kansas City Star featured a news article claiming “legions of anti-Obama bloggers” have filed lawsuits claiming Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president.
The Star’s story said “skeptics” believe there are several “co-conspirators” in the “tangled web of conspiracy and silence,” including election officials who put candidates’ name on ballots, judges who throw out lawsuits, mainstream media, Obama’s family and Hawaiian authorities.
Even AOL News’ blog featured a “Q&A with Obama birth certificate doubters,” while another entry accused the We The People Foundation of being part of “the cult of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”
However, amid skeptical reports, the New American reported, “This story has gained credence, separating it from Internet rumors, because Obama has reputedly hired three law firms (firms, not lawyers) to make sure that no one gets access to his birth records in Hawaii or his college transcripts from Occidental College and Harvard.”
In the piece written by Mark McGrew, I read something that was QUITE interesting! Are you ready for this?
But beyond all of that controversy, there is one subject in this man’s activities that is truly astounding: There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that his beloved grandmother actually died on the day before the election as his campaign said she did. He said he would attend her funeral “In a few days”. He never did. Then he said he would have a funeral for her around the end of the year. What kind of person keeps their grandmother’s body on ice for two months? What kind of a person would play on the death of his grandmother to win “the sympathy vote”? Where is the proof that she died when he said she did? Normally, we could simply learn from the local coroner of a well known person’s death. But the only public comment made by the Honolulu Medical Examiner, who acts as coroner in Honolulu, Hawaii was, “We didn’t work that case.”
Today the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court convene to discuss one of the 17 cases. A vigil in support of them waited on the Courthouse steps. Last night a national fasting and prayer initiative was held. People are holding circles of light, intention meditations, and writing and speaking to get out the truth. Daily, more people want to know what to do and join groups that are doing things to preserve and protect our nation of laws.
It occurs to me that the founders and their rag tag army in 1776 had neither the internet nor broadcast media and yet they got the word out and won the fight. Today we have both and it is far more difficult to suppress the truth in any real way. It may take a little longer without the assistance of main stream media, but they will ultimately find it very difficult to suppress an entire nation of individuals who cherish their freedom and our nation of laws.
We shall continue to watch, wait, write, speak and spread the truth. For country, its people, for ourselves, and for the world, who is watching.
Friday, December 5, 2008
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